Semantically Informed Machine Translation (2009) ================================================ This is a tech report associated with the `JHU HLTCOE `_ `SCALE `_ project in the Summer of 2009. I was involved in the evaluation metric effort (``HATERp``), summarized briefly in chapter 9 herein. The paper is available in PDF remotely `here `_. BibTeX: .. code-block:: none @TechReport{baker:simt2009, author = {Kathy Baker and Steven Bethard and Bloodgood, Michael and Ralf Brown and Callison-Burch, Chris and Coppersmith, Glen and Dorr, Bonnie and Filardo, Nathaniel and Kendall Giles and Irvine, Ann and Mike Kayser and Levin, Keith and Justin Martineau and Mayfield, James and Scott Miller and Aaron Phillips and Andrew Philpot and Piatko, Christine and Lane Schwartz and David Zajic}, title = {Semantically Informed Machine Translation}, number = {2}, institution={Human Language Technology Center of Excellence, Johns Hopkins University}, year = {2009}, url = {} }