:orphan: ########### Filk Lyrics ########### I admit it, I'm a nerd. I sometimes construct `filk `_ lyrics. Pf The Packet Filter #################### To the tune of `Puff, the Magic Dragon `_. | Chorus: | Pf The Packet Filter lived 'side Layer 3 | And guarded all the network stack | In a land called B S D! | | The sysadmins all loved him, that firewall called pf, | And bid him watch and N A T | And other fancy stuff. | | [chorus] | | The system had been hardened, in every different way, | PaX and N X Stack watched over EIP. | Raging worms and DoSes never did any harm, | and even the most skilled crackers would simply just give up! Oh, | | [chorus] | | Code can be proven, mathematically pure; | E C C and other things can only go so far. | One mid day it happened, the cooling system blew, | and pf, that mighty guardian, hit a machine check. | The fault handler panic()'d, the system simply stopped. | Pf no longer got a chance to get an interrupt! | The sysadmins saw "db>" and pondered what to do | They typed "reboot", heard a beep, and then saw nothing more. Oh, | | [chorus] NOP Ride ######## To the tune of `Sleigh Ride `_. | Just watch those buf-fers fill-a-ling | And, OOPS!, over-flow-a-ling too! | Such a lovely setup | For a NOP sled sneaking by you... | O'er net, the shell code's coming, | And sploits are calling your code; | Such a lovely setup | For a NOP sled up to the payload! | | Fetch decode, fetch decode, fetch decode, let's go! | We've found the payload... | We're running some injected elite shell code! | Fetch decode, fetch decode, fetch decode, it's fine! | Just pay us no mind! | We'll spawn a thread, | And be out of here in no time... | | Your heap is big and full | And so curious are we... | We scan your allocations | Like you would never have let us see... | We'll take that FILE before us | and snoop a socket() or two... | What a lovely setup | For a NOP sled together with you!